Fabulous Tip #1: Cold Weather Management

Check out this fabulous tip, the very first of many! To see all the tips, just point at the menu item “Fabulous Tops and Tips” and the tip headings will show up in a drop-down menu.

Winter is upon us and the cold weather wreaks havoc on hair! You get frizzy hair, static, and dryness. Check this tip to see how to manage your hair in cold weather.

Do you have a hairstyle or fashion question? Ask Miguel! We’ll take your questions and post answers in the blog and in this section, Fabulous Tops and Tips.

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2 thoughts on “Fabulous Tip #1: Cold Weather Management

  1. Hi , I would like you to listen to my story of how I met Miguel and how he changed my life . When I went to see Miguel for a hair cut I was in a really dark place . I was being bullied at work and was having a real hard time dealing with it . Then my husband left me and was arrested for some very serious things he tried to do to me at my home . I went to see Miguel , he opened his salon for me after hours to fit me in because of my availability. I don’t think Miguel realized the dark place I was in that night but his story and kind words of how beautiful I was gave me the strength to pull me out of the darkness. I started to focus on myself and turned my life around . No matter what is dished out to me in life I remember Miguel’s words Darling you look fabulous. He saved my life that night and gave me the strength to become the best I can be . I am still on my journey and I will forever be thankful for what he had done for me . He is so much more than a hair stylist. He transformed my life .


  2. Hi Tracey, Thank you for so much for sharing your story. I’m so glad you found that little boost to help you climb out of that dark place you were in. Sometimes, all we need to do is knock and we never know what we’ll find inside that door! Stay strong and fabulous!


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